L1 - Natura 2000 sites management support

The line of action aims to develop and strengthen the governance of the involved institution in the risk of floods planning and management, in the framework of the second cycle of flood risk management planning (2016-2021) according to Directive 2007/60 / EC. The intervention also takes into consideration the district basin authorities' constitution, as governed by Law no.221 of 28 December 2015 (Environmental Link).

In particular, support is provided to regional administrations and district basin authorities, through specific guidelines and methodologies elaboration, together with case studies and institutional support actions. The action aims at less developed Regional Administrations and targets public operators working in regional administrations and district basin authorities; the actions and activities are agreed with the district basin authorities interested in flood risk management planning and in integrated interventions' design process for risk mitigation, keeping the protection and recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity as a goal

Expected results

• Strengthen the operators' administrative and technical capacity of guaranteeing, at the national level:

homogeneity in the progressive integration of sector planning tools in the PGRA (Flood Risk Management Plan), and its connection with scheduling;
homogeneity in the risk assessment for each scenario envisaged by the directive;
homogeneity in the evaluation of negative consequences deriving from floods in those scenarios, always taking into account climate change related issues.

• Integration and improvement of flood risk management planning, according to Directive 2007/60 / EC.

• Strengthen the operators' administrative and technical capacity, encouraging the introduction of an objective and homogeneous evaluation model.