Mettiamoci in riga

The Project Mettiamoci in RIGA - Integrated Strengthening of Environmental Governance has been admitted for funding under the National Operational Governance and Institutional Capacity Program 2014-2020, Axis 3 - Strengthening the multilevel governance of Public Investment Programs, Specific Objective - 3.1 Improvement of governance multilevel and administrative and technical capacity of public administrations in public investment programs, Action 3.1.1. - Implementation of horizontal actions for the entire public administration, functional to supervision and better efficiency of the decision-making process of multilevel governance of public investment programs, to the strengthening of the technical cooperation chain starting from the "Administrative Strengthening Plans".

In a national context, the Project contributes to implementing MATTM's unified intervention strategy, to overcome weaknesses due to the partial implementation of the regulatory framework and the competent subjects' fragmentation and indeterminacy of roles and functions. "Mettiamoci in RIGA" intends to promote the dissemination of tools and methodologies functional to improve multilevel governance, to better guide choices and facilitate decision-making processes. The project helps to:

- reduce the gap between the application of regulations and the drafting of sector plans;

- simplify and standardize management mechanisms and authorization procedures;

- resolve community disputes;

- increase the application of practices and new solutions; create the conditions to successfully replicate good practices in other contexts.

The Project's objective is to offer paths to public administrations and to other subjects with environmental skills. The paths are meant to strengthen the operators' administrative skills and are dedicated to employed personnel, aiming to produce a change in terms of increased ability to program, design, and implement interventions in the environmental field according to well-defined times and rules. This process will take place through a common integrated and flexible approach, across all the lines of intervention. The Project will be implemented thanks to good practices identification and transfer, to methodological documents and specific operational tools development, to activities supporting the actions' full operativity, and to the expected results monitoring.

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The Project sees Sogesid S.p.A. - an in-house company providing the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea - as implementing body. Sogesid supports the MATTM in achieving the Project objectives, in the implementation of lines of intervention, and in the management, monitoring, and evaluation of the "Mettiamoci in RIGA" Project.


Latest update: 

Public Cost

European Union

Rotation Fund


Proceeded payments


Project's progress

Planned start: 08/06/2017

Actual start:

Planned conclusion:

Actual conclusion: non disponibile

Governance Structure:

System action co-financed by the European Union under the PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020

Managing Authority

Agency for Territorial Cohesion

mi Te

Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea


 PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020