L4 Intervention Line aims to encourage the dissemination of evaluation methods, tools, and skills to support the use of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) within PA, for better use of resources, and fully in line with Circular Economy principles.

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA - Life Cycle Assessment) and the related Life Cycle Costing (LCC) are fundamental tools in the definition of Integrated Product Policies, as they allow an objective assessment of energetic and environmental loads, together with the potential impacts associated with a product, a process or activity during its life cycle, from the raw materials to end of its life span.

The L4 Intervention Line intends to encourage the application of LCA and LCC in governance processes, in particular in the purchase field. At the same time, the actions aim to strengthen the usage of analysis methodologies also in the production sectors, working in synergy with the ARCADIA Project (managed by ENEA) which will define and develop the Italian LCA database.

The Project activities aim to:

strengthen the cooperation both between administrations and with the private sector, in order to carry out purchase procedures for goods, services, and works through an accurate life cycle cost analysis,
improve LCA technical skills in public administrations.

In this way, a cost/effectiveness comparison criterion will be introduced in a call for tenders when requiring services, supplies, and works.